CY 10 minutes with… Robert Dragan, Learnium

Robert is CEO of Learnium, the social learning platform that helps people connect, communicate and collaborate.


Lone wolf or team player?

Team player, definitely. You can achieve so much more as a group.


What gets you out of bed on a Monday morning?

Breakfast with my girlfriend and the prospect of a fresh week.

Morning or night?

Both. The enemy is the middle of the day, just after lunch!

Apple or Samsung?


What’s one quality you think an entrepreneur needs to possess?

Resilience. There are ups and downs in business. Keep going.

Winter or Summer?

In which hemisphere? Here in the UK definitely Summer.


What would you say to your 16 year oldself?

Listen kid, the literature class is definitely not the worst thing in the world.


What is your greatest achievement?

Pass. Picking one makes other achievements seem smaller.


Big night out or quiet night in?

What about a few pints with friends? A quiet night out if you will.


What do you do in your spare time?

Reading, hiking, camping.


Tea or coffee?


What inspires you?

Thinking that through my actions I can leave the world in a better place than I received it.

Indoors or outdoors?



What's your favourite part about your job?

Working with my teammates to make an impact and help people learn.


Home-cooked meal or takeaway?

Home-cooked meal


What is your favourite film, TV show or Podcast?

Tough… but for some reason, 12 Angry Men came to mind. The 1957 version.