10 minutes with… Rob Lo Bue, Applingua

Rob started his first company, Applingua Ltd on his 24th Birthday. When not knee deep in translations, you’ll find him mentoring startups or speaking at conferences on entrepreneurship, business or languages.

Rob has been a member of startup communities in five different countries and is eager to see Cardiff rival other tech cities on the world stage. When not working, you’ll find Rob training for his next half marathon or around town having a sneaky Peroni after work.

Lone wolf or team player?

I strongly believe that happiness shared is doubled and sadness shared is halved. While I’m perfectly capable of being a lone wolf, I’d always choose to be in a team.

What gets you out of bed on a Monday morning?

I’d like to say it’s my insatiable ambition to get up and change the world, but in reality it’s my dog licking my face.

Morning or night?

Definitely not afternoon.

Apple or Samsung?

Apple. They stick by their principles even when everyone else mocks them.

What’s one quality you think an entrepreneur needs to possess?

Resourcefulness. It doesn’t matter what you have, who you are or where you come from, I’ve met many successful entrepreneurs who can make something from nothing.

Winter or summer?

Probably get more work done in winter… summer.

What would you say to your 16 year old self?

Nothing is permanent. The choices you make are not for life and all of us have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves as many times as you like to get where you finally want to be.

What is your greatest achievement?

I was determined to be a digital nomad for a time, take my laptop and work around the world. I made it happen 2013-2016, met hundreds of people and learnt millions of new things, all the while working at Applingua.

Big night our or quiet night in?

Quiet night out.

What do you do in your spare time?

Walk the dog, see family and friends, plan my next adventure.

Tea or coffee?


What inspires you?

People who know a lot about one thing. I’m very much a person who tries to know a little about a lot, but when I meet someone who knows a lot about a topic, I’m all ears.

Indoors or outdoors?

The older I get, the more outdoorsy I become.

What's your favourite part about your job?

When all the team are together in one room. It’s strange to go from an idea and just a few quid in the bank, to a company that makes money and can employ others. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and think, ‘are we really doing this?’

Home-cooked meal or takeaway?

Without a doubt, home-cooked meal. Preferably cooked by my mother.

What is your favourite film, TV show or Podcast?

Hate these questions ;-) Any film that makes me think, any TV show that makes me laugh, any podcast that’s well structured and keeps on topic.